Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday extracts:The view

Where the road descends from the summit, the whole valley opens out, hills sweeping back as far as the eye can see to a range of lavender mountains pasted against the rim of the sky. The August heat shimmered in silence. The land seemed vast and primitive, looking as it must have looked for thousands of years. In the distance, live oaks dotted the landscape, as snaggy and dark and hunched as buffalo.

C is for Corpse
Sue Grafton


I rarely do scenery descriptions in my work. Perhaps I should attempt a few.


snafu said...

Nice picture.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Anne .. lovely description of the summer heat and landscape - I particularly liked the oaks hunched as buffalo in the distance - I can see the savannah plains all too easily .. and at some stage buffalo would have roamed the English countryside those thousand of years ago ..

Cheers Hilary