Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thursday extracts: not Nano

My Aunt Julia was a remarkable woman.  She was my father’s younger sister and, although I hardly remember the two of them together, the way she always talked of him suggested that they were fond of each other. He was the practical one but she was born with the brains, she said. She outshone him at school and was always destined for a career but surprised everyone when, after A levels, she touted her skills around all the local newspaper offices until she was taken on as a trainee reporter on a weekly near Manchester.


It'll be a long while before this sees daylight in print. It's an extract from my current work in progress. No, it's not even slightly autobiographical.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Ann - interesting start to a story ... and could be developed in a few ways .. family, following a journalists trail, history of newspapers etc .. I'd like to read more!!

Cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Hope this sees print soon :)

snafu said...

Interesting start.